Monday, August 26, 2013

Echo Base Delay

The Echo Base is an analog-voiced delay with modulation, designed by Ian Maltby. It uses a PT2399 delay chip to create a sound similar to an analog delay,  but not as noisy and without the hassle of building a real analog delay. The modulation allows you to wobble the pitch of the delay around. This allows for tape-style “wow and flutter”, vibrato, and chorus sounds in addition to the delays.

The “tails” feature allows you to turn the delay off while letting the last few echoes die off, rather than cut off abruptly. This feature can be toggled on or off with a switch. Lots of useful modifications are possible with the Echo Base, and are shown in detail in the accompanying documentation.

The documentation and the PCB circuit for this pedal are available here:

This pedal seemed quite popular on all the forums as an accurate imitation of an analog delay, but not as complex and temperamental to build. I would reccomend it to anyone looking for a solid DIY delay pedal that comes with proper instructions. I also happened to listen to some of the sound samples, and it actually sounded pretty good. Ordering the PCB and all the other parts I need this week. If anyone has pedal housing unit or a cool looking box they can spare, let me know.

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