Monday, August 5, 2013

Just some shiiit (not a resourse)

Howdy, just postin what's up with one of my projects. If you somehow didn't know what I'm doing, I'm doing an analog tape delay out of some old cassette players; a simple mechanism, but with some annoying little obstacles that shouldn't be too hard to tackle.. Anyways, here are some close-ups on what's been done so far:

As you can see from the first picture, so far we have our main player which is acting as our motor to move the tape with the record/play head removed for convenience to the far left of the loop. The second play head (6:00 of tape loop) will be acting as the "echo" head. What I am hoping to do is possibly make my own preamp to use in place of the large circuit board shown in the top left of picture 2 so that way it could use less real estate in the enclosure when that is made. I am planning on creating a simple mixer as well so some extra parameters can be controlled. The next step for now is figuring out how to create a line input into the delay so an instrument can be plugged into it.

Anyways, that's whats up with this. Woop!

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